Main Story

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Main story level is the most essential level which can determine player's capability along with a epic story. All the other modes will be unlocked through the progress of the main story.


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The initial exploration level is 0/x, where x represents the number of treasure chests that can be opened in the level. For every treasure chest opened by the player, the exploration level increases by 1.

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When a player opens all the treasure chests and successfully defeats the level boss, they can receive a 3-star rating. If only half of the treasure chests are opened, only a 2-star rating can be triggered. If more than half of the treasure chests are not opened and the level is cleared, only a 1-star rating will be triggered.

Afterwards, in the exploration gift at the bottom left corner of the level selection interface, players can receive rewards corresponding to the number of stars collected. The more stars collected, the richer the rewards will be.


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Luck will be accumulated every time you explore a stage or encounter various events:

(1) Defeat the enemies in Corrupted Hand

(2) Open chest

(3) Interact with the randomly generated "Fortune Light"

(4) Defeat the Secret Treasure Guardian guarding the Gold Coffin

(5) Complete various Special Events.

Support Horn

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Triggering the blue horn can summon battle supporting characters (blue) that match the strength and level difficulty to assist players in battle (requires 1 point of Luck),The character summoned by the battle horn has no duration and will continue to assist in combat until the end of the level or when their health is depleted

Lucky Moment

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Roll the dice again to increase the reward multiplier they receive (12 sided dice)

Corrupted Hand

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when the player triggers Corrupted Hand,Summon an enemy character with a similar power level to oneself, defeat the enemy to obtain some equipment and props, and increase Luck.

Golden Coffin

Main Story-Golden Coffin.webp

Summon your caravan members to defeat the secret treasure guardian of the golden coffin, increase the prosperity of faction and get the reward


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After the player interacts with it,All HP have been restored (Ultra excluded), and the boss battle will be triggered.

Redemption & Sacrifice

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When a Boss was firstly defeated in main story level or Soul Hunter level, an Redemption & Sacrifice choice would appear.

When choosing Redemption, the player will receive the Boss's Soul Core fragments and Redemption Stone. When choosing Sacrifice, the player will receive the costume fragments and Sacrifice Stone.

Both the Redemption Stone and the Sacrifice Stone can be exchanged for equipment in the store.

Other Info

if a player accidentally exits the game during level exploration, although the game will save the player's level records, the exploration level and luck value of the level will not be saved, and the player still needs to explore again.

Players need to be aware that once they interact with the Hugroot and enter the boss battle, they will no longer be able to continue exploring and collecting

If a player accidentally quit the game during the boss fight, it won't make a difference if you go back to the combat again, which the horn will showed up again and you need to trigger it manually.