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Basic Introduction to Runes

The game features different runes, each with unique attributes.

Acquisition: Runes can be obtained through Campaign of Old Ones , Main story stages, Soul Hunters, or purchased in Void Market.

Level up: Three runes of the same type and level can be combined to create one rune of a higher level.

Embedding Runes: Different runes can be embedded into different equipment slots to form unique Rune Whispers.

Additional Attribute Boost: When all the runes used in a Rune Whisper reach a certain level, additional attribute enhancements will be unlocked.


Ico rune B Mori.png Doomday Thunder damage Ico rune B Ying.png Eagle Poison damage Ico rune B Xinshi.png Messenger Fire damage
Ico rune B Yi.png One Ice damage Ico rune B Quan.png All ATK Ico rune B Yuanchu.png Primordial Thunder DMG Reduction
Ico rune B Yongzhe.png Hero Poison DMG Reduction Ico rune B Wangling.png Undead Fire DMG Reduction Ico rune B Tongyu.png Dominion Ice DMG Reduction
Ico rune B Wuzhi.png Matter All RES Bar Ico rune B Chunzai.png Existence DEF Ico rune B Shouhu.png Guardian HP
Ico rune B Jiushu.png Redemption STA Ico rune B Ai.png Love HP Ico rune B Juexing.png Awakening ULT
Ico rune B Yuanliang.png Moon STA Ico rune B Jiancha.png Monitor ALL Elemental Debuffs Charge Speed Ico rune B Jiancha.png Drift Break DMG
Ico rune B Shuangchong.png Dual Weapon Switch DMG Ico rune B Xinbiao.png Beacon Normal Attack DMG

Rune Whisper

Name Component Attributes
Twin Beacons Of Salvation Redemption;Beacon;Dual;Drift Weapon switch DMG;Break DMG;Normal Attack DMG
Drifting Beacon Beacon;Drift Break DMG;Normal Attack DMG;Break Skill CD
Dual Redemption Redemption;Dual Weapon Switch DMG;Weapon Switch CD
Controller Of Death Dominion;Undead;Hero;Primordial HP;All Elemental DMG REDS;Soul Core Cost
Protector Of All Guardian;Matter HP;All Elemental DMG
Primordial Guardian Guradian;Primordial HP;Thunder DMG REDS
Hero Of The Shield Guardian;Hero HP;Poison DMG REDS
Guardian Of The Undead Guardian;Undead HP;Fire DMG REDS
Mighty Guardian Guardian;Dominion HP;Ice DMG REDS
Great Falcon Messenger One;Messenger;Eagle;Doomday CRIT Chance;CRIT DMG;Damage dealt to the Boss
Guardian Of The Mortal Realm All;Beacon;Guardian HP;General Attack DMG;ATK
End Of All Laws All;Doomday ATK;Thunder DMG;Damage dealt to the Poison Boss
Omnipotent Eagle All;Eagle ATK;Poison DMG;Damage dealt to the Thunder Boss
Omnipotent Messenger All;Messenger ATK;Fire DMG;Damage dealt to the Ice Boss
All Is One One;All ATK;Ice DMG;Damage dealt to the Fire Boss